Refugee’s Lefts
Refugee’s Lefts are just across the pass to the north of Bedhuge on the east-facing side of Laamu Atoll. The “s” at the end of “Lefts” is more than just slang or a forgotten apostrophe—a few different lefthanded peaks break here. The lefts that roll through here are short and shifty, but enough to attract a lot of interest. A southeast swell can cause the different peaks to line up, but the direction needs to be pretty specific. Most of the time the waves are quick bombs that close out pretty quick—a big drop-in followed by a big splash is pretty much the norm.
Refugees Lefts typically ranges from two to six feet, but picks up a little more swell than other surrounding spots—making the already heavy waves all the more powerful. Although ideal conditions are a solid southeast swell, it can still be a whole lot of fun during any southern swell, with any stage of the tide, and a northerly wind. The break is also called Froggie because the nearby island host very noisy frogs…
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